
What is site speed?

Website speed, also known as website performance, refers to how quickly a browser can load fully functional webpages from a given site. Poorly performing sites that take a long time to load in a browser can drive users away. Sites that load quickly, on the other hand, usually receive more traffic and have higher conversion rates.

Why is site speed so important?

When a website takes a long time to load, it can negatively impact the user experience, site traffic, and SEO. Performance-optimized websites have an advantage over slow websites. We cannot emphasize enough how important this metric is to your overall digital marketing services and online presence. It has a significant impact on SEO rankings on desktop and mobile (particularly with Google's mobile first index), paid ads on Google with an impact on quality score, and, most importantly, overall user experience and conversion.

Slow websites will, in the end, have a low number of conversions, a high bounce rate, and a low number of pages per visit. People will abandon a slow site because no one has the patience to wait for a web page to load. This is especially important for businesses with a lengthy conversion funnel on their website. When a conversion funnel has multiple steps and pages, there is always a drop-off, but when you also have a slow website and users are attempting to navigate a more complex conversion funnel, that drop-off is amplified.

Site speed is a ranking factor, and it is an even more important ranking factor on a mobile device. Site speed is a ranking factor because it is, first and foremost, a sign of a good user experience. A accelerated site speed contributes to a positive user experience, whereas a slow site speed leads to a poor user experience.. A user will typically stay on a site longer if it is faster, and they will also convert better and bounce less. Google has made it a ranking factor for these reasons.

It all comes down to paying the most affordable and cost-effective rate for your keyword bidding, which is determined by your quality score, when it comes to PPC and site speed. For paid media, quality score is essentially how relevant Google finds your website's landing page to a search term, which considers the user experience based on that person being directed to your page from that specific keyword. Slow site speed will ultimately appear to Google as a poor user experience, lowering your quality score. The quality score determines how much you pay (cost per click, or CPC), as well as your average position on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). If you have a low site speed/quality score, it is extremely difficult to appear in the top two positions on the SERP, and depending on how competitive the keywords are, you may not appear in the top spots at all. Your ads will not appear if you have a low enough quality score. As you can see, quality score has a significant impact on PPC.

According to John Mueller, Google's Senior Webmaster Trends Analyst, the best practice is to have your website load in less than two to three seconds. However, your website should ideally load as quickly as possible. If you have an eCommerce website, you should aim for less than two seconds to avoid losing potential customers.

Conversion rate

Several studies have shown that site speed has an impact on conversion rate (or, the rate at which users complete a desired action). Fast-loading sites not only keep more users, but they also convert at a higher rate than slower sites. A number of businesses have discovered that reducing page load time by a few milliseconds increases conversions.

Bounce rate

When we talk about a bounce, we mean someone who doesn't look at more than one page on the site before leaving. The percentage of people who visit your site and then leave is referred to as the bounce rate. If a website takes too long to load, visitors will leave and go elsewhere. As a result, slow sites typically have a high bounce rate, whereas faster sites have a lower bounce rate. The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who abandon a website after only viewing one page. If a page does not load within a few seconds, users are likely to close the window or click away. BBC discovered that for every additional second it took for their pages to load, they lost 10% of their total users.

SEO best practices

Site performance is an important factor in Google search rankings because Google prioritizes getting relevant information to users as quickly as possible. The performance of a site on mobile devices is especially important for SEO.

User experience

Long page load times and slow response times to user actions contribute to a negative user experience. Waiting for content to load can be aggravating for users, leading them to abandon the site or application entirely.


DoFort will analyze your site's speed test results to identify the issues that are having the most impact on your load times. Concentrate on the high-impact factors and take the necessary steps to improve them. DoFort is one of the best Digital Marketing Agency.


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